Object Obituary

Tragedy struck yesterday for a bottle of Aquafina as it was carelessly tossed into a gas station garbage can. The bottle only lasted a few short days in this harsh world and wasn't even granted the grace for a second chance. The bottle was made in china by a large machine who also produced it's milions of twins. Sadly the bottle was only lucky enough to meet several of it's twin siblings. Afer being boarded up the bottle was mailed to the source. It was here where the bottle made its first life accomplishment. It was filled by the source but then repackaged and sent to a dingy backroom, never even seeing the light of day. After several days of waiting there was finaly a place for the bottle in the cooling unit, now waiting for the lucky person who would purchase and drink all of the lovely water from within it. This was the darkest but most thrilling part of the bottles life. It sat and watched as people looked in at it, considering water but then reaching for something more appetizing. Then one day a hand did reach in and grab it, then walked it to the cashier. It was on sale! The injustice of the world had befallen the poor bottle and it wasn't even worth the normal 1.29. Things just got worse though instead of being opened and lifted to the poor, thirsty persons lips it was opened and tipped into a plastic container inside a large car, the radiator! Then the bottle was tossed carelessly into a large round can. This was the end of just one Aquafina bottle.
Submitted by Carly on Tue, 10/23/2007 - 3:34pm. Carly's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version